Photofairs 2018: Group presentation Scheltens & Abbenes / Ruth van Beek / Eva Stenram / Mona Kuhn / Darren Harvey-Regan

23 - 25 February 2018 

PHOTOFAIRS are dedicated to presenting fine art photography and moving image from leading international galleries and their artists in dynamic and cutting-edge destinations around the world. Through a highly curated approach, PHOTOFAIRS provides an elegant and vibrant environment for both established and new collectors.


This is the first time for the Ravestijn Gallery to participate bringing the following artists: Scheltens & Abbenes (NL), Ruth van Beek (NL), Eva Stenram (SE/UK) and Mona Kuhn (BR/US). The installation entitled 'Metalepsis'  by Darren Harvey-Regan (UK) is on show in the Staged exhibition.


The Guardian highlighted the best works here!

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