Patrick Waterhouse was born in the UK in 1981. The Restricted Images series is a collaboration between Waterhouse and the Warlukurlangu Art Centre. The works were made in the communities of Yuendumu and Nyirripi which are remote desert aboriginal communities in Central Australia.
The publication in 1899 of The Native Tribes of Central Australia caused a sensation in Europe. The book’s authors, telegraph-station master Francis J. Gillen and ethnologist W. Baldwin Spencer, had written in depth about the customs and traditions of the Aboriginal groups living near Alice Springs and also illustrated their texts with 119 photographs, many of which captured rituals and ceremonies. While the subject, quality and quantity of the images set a new standard for anthropological photography, the authors were largely oblivious to the impact they would have on the lives of the Aboriginals. The pictures revealed the gap in knowledge between the authors, whose goal was showing the exotic natives “in their natural state”, and the subjects, who were completely unaware of the new medium and how it could invade their privacy or reveal their secrets to a wider audience. Unwittingly or not, the authors also infringed upon Aboriginal cultural protocols by showing sacred sites and the dead.
Attitudes have changed since Gillen and Baldwin Spencer first ventured in the Central Desert with a camera and institutions have taken extensive measures to ensure that cultural sensitivity is respected. Today, photography within Aboriginal communities is limited and historical images are often “restricted”. Over the past four years, Patrick Waterhouse has taken photographs in the Yeundumu and Nyirrpi Aboriginal communities, and in the surrounding Warlpiri country. After making prints, he returned to Central Australia to work with artists and other members of those same communities at the Warlukurlangu Art Centre, so they could restrict and amend his photographs through the process of painting.
Waterhouse’s work has been exhibited internationally in institutions including FotoMuseum, Antwerpen (2019); Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque (2018); Kunsthal, Rotterdam (2017); The Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao (2016); National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C (2015); The Photographers’ Gallery, London (2015); The National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh (2014); Le Bal, Paris (2014); Biennale de Lubumbashi, DR Congo (2013); The International Center of Photography Triennial, New York (2013); Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool (2012); The Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich (2011) and South African National Gallery, Cape Town (2010). His work is held in major public and private collections including Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, New York; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco; Centre Pompidou, Paris; The National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C and The Walther Collection, Neu-Ulm, Germany. Awards include the Discovery Award at Arles in 2011 and the Deutsche Borse Photography Prize in 2015 for Ponte City (with Mikhael Subotzky).
Patrick Waterhouse, Front and Side Portraits 32, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Let's Go Back To Mining. Jarra / Restricted with Dorothy Napurrurla Dickson, Sabrina Nangala Robertson and Julie Nangala Robertson, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, What's the Light Light Dark Dark Point Point? Jarra / Restricted in workshop at Warkukurlangu Art Centre, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Waiting for Iguana. Jarra / Restricted with Julie Nangala Robertson., 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Water in Water / Restricted with Chantelle Nampijinpa Robertson., 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, She Gone to Town / Restricted with Madeleine Napangardi Dixon, Melinda Napurrurla Wilson and Polly Anne Napangardi Dixon, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, But This Land Is Ours. They Know That. Jarra / Revised with Melissa Nungarrayi Larry., 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Waiting Playing. Jinta / Restricted with Cecily Napanangka Marshall., 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Map of Western Australia 1914 / Revised with Sabrina Nangala Robertson, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, The Riddle of the Rivers. Jinta. From The Australian Children’s Pictorial Social Studies, 1958 / Revised with Agnes Nampijinpa Brown., 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Too Hot. Jarra / Restricted with Cecily Napanangka Marshall and Joy Nangala Brown., 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, You Can't See The Aliens. Jarra / Restricted with Sarah Napaljarri Sims., 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, You Have To Get Here Early. Jarra / Restricted with Athena Nangala Granites., 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Get Firewood That Way / Restricted with Dorothy Napurrurla Dickson, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Got To Find Him Along The Trail / Restricted with Hilda Nakamarra Rogers, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Here Every Day / Restricted with Joy Nangala Brown, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Just Right. Jarra / Restricted with Ormay Nangala Gallagher, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, This One's for My Grandson / Restricted with Otto Jungarrayi Sims, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, We Used To Play As Kids / Restricted with Marissa Napanangka Anderson, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Again This Way / Restricted with Jessica Napanangka Lewis, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Red Ensign Flag / Revised with Steven Jupurrula Nelson, 2014 - 2018
Patrick Waterhouse, Union Jack Flag / Revised with Marlene Nakamarra Morton, 2014 - 2018
Galerie: au Salon Approche, des photos qui s’échappent du cadre
Claire Guillot, Le Monde, May 29, 2021 -
Trio Gagnant Pour A PPR OC HE
Justine Couaillac, The Art Newspaper France, May 28, 2021 -
Le salon Approche se met en trois
Sophie Bernard, Le Quotidien de l'Art, May 26, 2021 -
Approche 2021
Marie-Elisabeth De La Fresnaye, 9 Lives Magazine, May 18, 2021 -
Perspective Podcast
Cécile Lombardie, Perspective Podcast, November 26, 2020 -
Le salon A PPR OC HE lance sa quatrième édition
Fisheye Magazine, November 20, 2020 -
Retoucheren als vorm van empowerment
Edo Dijksterhuis, Het Parool, October 30, 2020 -
Agency Through Restriction
Emily Harle, Metal Magazine, October 12, 2020 -
Patrick Waterhouse
Harpers Bazaar, September 22, 2020 -
The Ravestijn Gallery: Patrick Waterhouse - Restricted Images
L'oeil de la Photographie, September 11, 2020 -
Patrick Waterhouse at the Ravestijn Gallery
Enrico Chhibber, Lampoon Magazine, September 7, 2020 -
Patrick Waterhouse - Restricted Images. Made with the Warlpiri of Central Australia
Foam Magazine, June 4, 2020 -
Beperkt Toegankelijk
Jeroen Bos, FD Persoonlijk, February 8, 2020 -
Restricted Images by Patrick Waterhouse and the Warlpiri
Tom Seymour, British Journal of Photography, March 12, 2019 -
Reframing History
British Journal of Photography, October 2, 2018