Art Island 2023: Solo presentation Nico Krijno

Forteiland IJmuiden, 26 - 28 May 2023 
Fort Island Ijmuiden

The second edition of Art Island will take place this year from Friday 26 May to Sunday 28 May. 35 Leading galleries and non-profit art institutions present work by their artists inside an exceptional place: Fort Island just off the coast of IJmuiden, which is being renamed Art Island.

The Ravestijn Gallery will present Nico Krijno (b. 1981, South Africa) at Art Island. Krijno’s latest chapter is a continuous flow of obsessive image-making, a series of motifs bleed between the featured works, from multi-colored polka-dots to vanishing still-lifes, from warped sculptures to the characteristic lines of spray-painted graffiti. Combining wall-mounted works with a series of imposing paper poster rolls – cascading down from the bunker's ceiling – the presentation underlines the effect of Krijno’s oscillating images: a disorientating outpouring with no logical beginning or end. Spliced and stacked, fragments blend into other fragments – like the rippling screen of an old TV set locked between competing frequencies.

Be inspired as you get lost in time inside the bunkers of Art Island. The fortress has three floors and an extensive corridor system of a total of 585 meters. Contemporary art in a historic setting, an art fair as you've never seen before. Be inspired by the underground passages and the latest work by well-known and unknown artists. Enjoy a snack and a drink in between, because that will not be missing on Art Island either. Who knows, you might sail back on the boat with the purchase of a unique work of art, in any case with a unique experience.


Friday 26 May, 2023 

15.00 - 22.00 uur (by invitation only)

Saturday 27 May, 2023   

11.00 - 22.00 uur

Sunday 28 May, 2023

11.00 - 20.00 uur


Participating galleries: Andriesse Eyck Gallery, Brinkman & Bergsma, Ellen de Brijne Projects, Galerie DudokdeGroot, Annet Gelink Gallery, Gerhard Hofland, Galerie Wouter van Leeuwen, Galerie Ron Mandos, Stigter van Doesburg, Tegenboschvanvreden, Torch Gallery, Galerie Fons Welters, Van Zijll Langhout, Caroline O'Breen, Made van Krimpen, M Simons Mieke van Schaijk, Galerie Bart, Langart, Lumen Travo Gallery, Galerie Martin van Zomeren, Willem Baars Projects, Galerie van Gelder, Kers Gallery, Galerie Tobias Naehring, Gomulan Gallery, The Ravestijn Gallery, Galerie Fleur & Wouter, Mini Galerie, Galerie Maurits van de Laar, Huidenclub, Hama Gallery, Unfair, A Rose is a Rose is a Rose, Kunstinstituut Melly, Galerie Larik

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