Video Portrait of Michel Lamoller

GalleryViewer, GalleryViewer, August 16, 2022
German artist Michel Lamoller combines different disciplines in his practice, including photography, sculpture and installation. Photography is the starting point and the main material, but he adds a layered and sculptural element to it.
Lamoller captured various metropolises for this series: from Hangzhou and Shanghai to Osaka. Cities where tens of millions of people live on a relatively small surface area. He then prints each photo several times and superimposes them. The artist then uses a scalpel to cut away elements with meticulous precision, a process that sometimes takes weeks. In this way a relief is created, a three-dimensional representation of the image that literally takes up more space. Lamoller thus exposes things and conceals other aspects, an effect that can only be felt when you are physically standing in front of the work. He tries to influence the ways in which we experience images and spaces, at a time when we take in more and more visual information through a screen and our individual daily habitat has become smaller due to lockdowns and working from home.

Video by Clara Westhoff